
Archive for Mei 16th, 2010

Google Voice invites for students

(Cross-posted from the Google Voice Blog)

We’ve found that Google Voice can be useful in many different ways to many different people. But one group of people that it’s especially well-suited for is students. We’ve heard college students in particular really appreciate getting their voicemail sent to their email, sending free text messages and reading voicemail transcriptions rather than listening to messages (especially handy while in class).

But since Google Voice is currently only available by invite, a lot of students are still listening to voicemail and sending text messages the old-fashioned way. As a recent college graduate, I can’t think of anything more painful! So starting today, we’ll be giving priority Google Voice invites to students. To get an invite, just visit google.com/voice/students and enter an email address that that ends in .edu.

So if you’re a student, submit your email address and a Google Voice invite will arrive in your inbox within 24 hours. Keep in mind that only one invite will be be sent per email address and Google Voice is currently only available in the U.S. And if you’re new to Google Voice, check out our introductory videos at youtube.com/googlevoice.

Posted by Jason Toff, Google Voice Team

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Fakta Menarik Berhubungan dengan Facebook
Ellyzar Zachra PB

INILAH.COM, Jakarta- Anda mungkin tidak mengira CEO Facebook Mark Zuckerberg pernah menolak tawaran Yahoo sebesar US$ 1 miliar (Rp 9,1 triliun). Psikolog juga punya nama bagi penyakit mental yang berhubungan dengan Facebook yaitu Facebook Addiction Disorder

Dan saat ini, keuntungan Facebook sudah mencapai sekitar US$4 miliar (36,4 triliun) hingga US$11 miliar (Rp 100,1 triliun). Facebook diperkirakan bisa menghasilkan sekitar US$ 1 miliar setiap tahunnya dalam penjualan produk virtual dan iklan. Sebagai perbandingan, tahun 2007, situs ini diestimasikan hanya memiliki keuntungan US$150 juta (Rp 1,3 triliun).

Popularitas situs ini terus menyala karena sebagian dari 400.000 penggunanya ialah user aktif yang masuk ke halaman pribadi mereka setidaknya sekali sebulan. Setengah dari para pengguna log on setiap hari. Dan situs ini tidak lagi menjadi fenomena Amerika Serikat karena 70% pengguna berasal dari luar Amerika Serikat.

Mashable dan Online School.org mengumpulkan fakta-fakta menarik seputar Facebook.

1.Facebook pada awalnya diberikan pinjaman oleh Peter Thiel, pendiri PayPal, yang meminjamkan uang sebesar US$ 500 ribu (Rp 4,5 miliar) yang memberi andil dalam fenomena Facebook

2.Berdasarkan trafik situs, Facebook berada di peringkat dua setelah Google dan berada di atas YouTube serta jauh meninggalkan Twitter (urutan 11) dan MySpace (urutan 19)

3.Mark Zuckerberg pernah dituntut oleh ConnectU, kompetitor, karena dituduh mencuri ide

4.Jumlah waktu yang dihabiskan bersama Facebook satu bulannya adalah 8,3 miliar jam

5.Rata-rata teman di Facebook ialah 130 teman

6.Perempuan berusia 55 tahun ke atas merupakan pengguna yang paling banyak berkembang di Amerika Serikat

7.Facebook begitu populer sehingga psikolog memiliki nama bagi penyakit mental yang berhubungan dengan Facebook yaitu Facebook Addiction Disorder

8.Akun Facebook paling peringkat pertama dan seterusnya adalah Michael Jackson, Homer Simpson (tokoh kartun The Simpson), Facebook itu sendiri, Barrack Obama dan peringkat ke lima adalah Starbuck Coffee.

sumber: inilah.com

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Mysterious quantum forces unraveled

MIT researchers find a way to calculate the effects of Casimir forces, offering a way to keep micromachines’ parts from sticking together.
Larry Hardesty, MIT News Office


New computational techniques developed at MIT confirmed that the complex quantum effects known as Casimir forces would cause tiny objects with the shapes shown here to repel each other rather than attract.
Image courtesy of Alejandro Rodriguez
New computational techniques developed at MIT confirmed that the complex quantum effects known as Casimir forces would cause tiny objects with the shapes shown here to repel each other rather than attract.
Image courtesy of Alejandro Rodriguez

Discovered in 1948, Casimir forces are complicated quantum forces that affect only objects that are very, very close together. They’re so subtle that for most of the 60-odd years since their discovery, engineers have safely ignored them. But in the age of tiny electromechanical devices like the accelerometers in the iPhone or the micromirrors in digital projectors, Casimir forces have emerged as troublemakers, since they can cause micromachines’ tiny moving parts to stick together.

MIT researchers have developed a powerful new tool for calculating the effects of Casimir forces, with ramifications for both basic physics and the design of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). One of the researchers’ most recent discoveries using the new tool was a way to arrange tiny objects so that the ordinarily attractive Casimir forces become repulsive. If engineers can design MEMS so that the Casimir forces actually prevent their moving parts from sticking together — rather than causing them to stick — it could cut down substantially on the failure rate of existing MEMS. It could also help enable new, affordable MEMS devices, like tiny medical or scientific sensors, or microfluidics devices that enable hundreds of chemical or biological experiments to be performed in parallel.

Ghostly presence

Quantum mechanics has bequeathed a very weird picture of the universe to modern physicists. One of its features is a cadre of new subatomic particles that are constantly flashing in and out of existence in an almost undetectably short span of time. (The Higgs boson, a theoretically predicted particle that the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland is trying to detect for the first time, is expected to appear for only a few sextillionths of a second.) There are so many of these transient particles in space — even in a vacuum — moving in so many different directions that the forces they exert generally balance each other out. For most purposes, the particles can be ignored. But when objects get very close together, there’s little room for particles to flash into existence between them. Consequently, there are fewer transient particles in between the objects to offset the forces exerted by the transient particles around them, and the difference in pressure ends up pushing the objects toward each other.

In the 1960s, physicists developed a mathematical formula that, in principle, describes the effects of Casimir forces on any number of tiny objects, with any shape. But in the vast majority of cases, that formula remained impossibly hard to solve. “People think that if you have a formula, then you can evaluate it. That’s not true at all,” says Steven Johnson, an associate professor of applied mathematics, who helped develop the new tools. “There was a formula that was written down by Einstein that describes gravity. They still don’t know what all the consequences of this formula are.” For decades, the formula for Casimir forces was in the same boat. Physicists could solve it for only a small number of cases, such as that of two parallel plates. In recent years, researchers have found ways to solve the formula for other configurations. For instance, in 2006, MIT physics professors Robert Jaffe and Mehran Kardar — with whom Johnson continues to collaborate — and Thorsten Emig of the University of Köln in Germany showed how to calculate the forces acting between a plate and a cylinder; the next year, they demonstrated solutions for multiple spheres. But a general solution remained elusive.

The power of analogy

In a paper appearing this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Johnson, physics PhD students Alexander McCauley and Alejandro Rodriguez (the paper’s lead author), and John Joannopoulos, the Francis Wright Davis Professor of Physics, describe a way to solve Casimir-force equations for any number of objects, with any conceivable shape.

The researchers’ insight is that the effects of Casimir forces on objects 100 nanometers apart can be precisely modeled using objects 100,000 times as big, 100,000 times as far apart, immersed in a fluid that conducts electricity. Instead of calculating the forces exerted by tiny particles flashing into existence around the tiny objects, the researchers calculate the strength of an electromagnetic field at various points around the much larger ones. In their paper, they prove that these computations are mathematically equivalent.

For objects with odd shapes, calculating electromagnetic-field strength in a conducting fluid is still fairly complicated. But it’s eminently feasible using off-the-shelf engineering software.

“Analytically,” says Diego Dalvit, a specialist in Casimir forces at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, “it’s almost impossible to do exact calculations of the Casimir force, unless you have some very special geometries.” With the MIT researchers’ technique, however, “in principle, you can tackle any geometry. And this is useful. Very useful.”

Since Casimir forces can cause the moving parts of MEMS to stick together, Dalvit says, “One of the holy grails in Casimir physics is to find geometries where you can get repulsion” rather than attraction. And that’s exactly what the new techniques allowed the MIT researchers to do. In a separate paper published in March, physicist Michael Levin of Harvard University’s Society of Fellows, together with the MIT researchers, described the first arrangement of materials that enable Casimir forces to cause repulsion in a vacuum.

Dalvit points out, however, that physicists using the new technique must still rely on intuition when devising systems of tiny objects with useful properties. “Once you have an intuition of what geometries will cause repulsion, then the [technique] can tell you whether there is repulsion or not,” Dalvit says. But by themselves, the tools cannot identify geometries that cause repulsion.
source: mit newsoffice

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