
Posts Tagged ‘browser’

Firefox 4 Beta vs. Chrome: UI Smackdown

Jared Newman, PC World

Firefox 4 Beta vs. Chrome: UI SmackdownTo put it nicely, the Firefox 4 beta’s new user interface is a sincere form of flattery.

Honoring the great tradition of “borrowing” other browsers’ features, the next version of Firefox looks a lot like Google Chrome, with tabs moved above the navigation bar and a single button that replaces the menu bar. That doesn’t mean the two browsers look and feel the same. Here’s a breakdown of Firefox 4 beta’s interface features and how they fares against Google Chrome:

(Click any of the images below to enlarge)

Menu Button

If Chrome has an omnibar for URLs and search, Firefox 4 has an omnimenu for almost every option that used to appear in a dedicated menu bar. It’s always bothered me that Chrome uses two menu buttons, one of which contains mostly useless functions like copy and paste (seriously, who doesn’t use keyboard shortcuts or alternate click?). Firefox wins this battle for rolling everything into one while banishing copy and paste.

Tabs, Relocated

Like Chrome, Firefox 4 beta has tabs on top of the navigation bar, but with an important distinction: Firefox’s menu button is still above tabs. This kind of defeats the purpose, because you still have to carefully align your mouse the menu bar and the browser to switch tabs. Chrome’s tab positioning at the top of the browser lets you move the mouse all the way to the top of the screen — a subtle but important difference when you’re flying through the Internet.

Bookmarks Button

Bookmarks and bookmark options are missing from Firefox’s new menu bar. That’s because Mozilla moved them to a separate button that resides next to the search bar. There’s enough activity and options associated with bookmarks to justify this move, and it’s nice to have quick access without Chrome’s dedicated bookmarks bar. Firefox also has an optional bookmarks bar, if you must.

Room to Browse

Firefox beats Chrome by six pixels with its default interface. Chrome is dragged down by its bookmarks bar, but Firefox could have widened its margin if the menu button was better-positioned. Atop the browser, Firefox’s menu button is flanked by nothing but wasted space until you hit the window buttons on the right side. It’s kind of an eyesore, and it almost defeats the purpose of having a condensed menu bar in the first place (I suppose all those options would look messy scattered across the page). Still, you can’t argue with numbers, and Firefox 4 Beta is just roomier.


I use Chrome for day-to-day browsing, but Firefox 4 beta has me considering a switch. User interface, I think, is the most important part of any Web browser, and Firefox looks cleaner and more modern than ever. And Firefox veterans needn’t worry; you can bring back the old interface with a few menu options. It’s frustrating that certain things could be improved, like the wasted space next to the menu button and tabs that aren’t really on top, but this is a beta. I’m hoping Mozilla’s not done cleaning up its interface just yet.

source: pcworld

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Mozilla Kembangkan Firefox Super Cepat
Syamsudin Prasetyo

INILAH.COM, Jakarta – Mozilla akan menghadirkan aplikasi jelajah Firefox 4 sebagai browser super cepat. Versi baru itu juga memasukkan teknologi web standar termasuk HTML5.

“Tujuan utama Mozilla adalah Firefox 4,” ujar Mike Beltzner, Direktur Firefox Mozilla.

Mozilla akan melakukan optimasi performa dan simplifikasi, termasuk beberapa kontrol antarmuka. Pengguna akan bisa mengatur hubungan dengan situs mereka, melalui menu pusat kontrol.

Peningkatan lainnya termasuk membuatnya lebih mudah menemukan add-on yang relevan dan menginstalnya tanpa merestart ulang. Kapabilitas 3D juga ditawarkan melalui WebGL dan animasi konten web akan mungkin dilakukan melalui CSS

Pengembang akan melakukan perbaikan JavaScript. Dukungan 64bit rencananya akan diikutsertakan untuk Firefox 4.

Sementara rilis beta direncanakan akan dilakukan pada awal Juli, dengan pengapalan produk pada akhir tahun 2010.

Di lain pihak, rencana rilis Firefox 3.7 telah dikemas ulang dengan merek Firefox 3.6.4 dengan peningkatan penanganan proses plug-in pihak luar. Versi tersebut akan ada pada bulan Mei ini.

Layaknya Mozilla, Microsoft merencanakan HTML5 di aplikasi jelajah Internet Explorer 9 miliknya. IE9 juga akan mendukung SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), fasilitas yang juga ada di Firefox.

sumber : inilah.com


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